I went buying and met a try “lady” that was very enticing. She had lengthy blonde hair, a deep voice, was very tall and was sporting a low lower shirt that confirmed off the cleavage of her ample breast. I requested when she acquired off and if she had plans for the night. She mentioned she was off in an hour and didn’t have plans so I requested if she want to have dinner, and she or he accepted. I picked her up when she acquired out of labor and we went to a neighborhood sports activities bar for dinner and drinks. We had a number of drinks and hit it off as we talked and after we left I requested if she want to cease by my place for one more drink and she or he accepted. I combined us a drink and we have been sitting on the sofa speaking and I leaned over and began kissing her. She was a terrific kisser and I reached right down to really feel her breast with no objection from her. I undid her shirt and reached again and undid her bra and moved right down to lick and suck her breast. As I did so she reached down and rubbed my penis by means of my pants. She undid my belt and pants and reached in to the touch me so I did the identical and reached down into her panties. Once I reached into her panties I discovered a tough cock greater than my very own. I’ve all the time been strait however this didn’t really feel like a homosexual factor she was a girl with a dick! We didn’t even say something about it, I simply began rubbing “her “ cock as she did the identical to me. I mentioned I believe we should always transfer to the bed room and we did. She undressed and all the pieces about her was an attractive lady lovely breast good ass an attractive form the proper lady apart from her dick! I undressed and we lay down on the mattress. We kissed and caressed one another’s penis. I moved down and lick and sucked her breast after which moved right down to giver “her” oral intercourse. I licked the top of her penis after which took it into my mouth and began sucking and operating my tongue concerning the head. The style of the juices actually excited me. She was shaven clear and I squeezed and pulled her balls as I sucked and moved my mouth up and down her cock. She had on fragrance and smelled nice. I took her cock deep in mouth and tried to deep throat her dick. Earlier than lengthy she began pushing my head down and letting out female moans. Then she erupted cum into my mouth, I beloved it and swallowed as a lot as I may. I rolled off and she or he began masturbating me. She pulled and squeezed my cock and rubbed the top whereas squeezing and pulling my balls. I got here and she or he caught it in her hand and reached down and rubbed my cum on my ass gap and slid her finger in my ass. She instructed me to roll over on my arms and knees and moved behind me and fingered my ass rubbing my cum into it to make it slippery. She moved behind me and mentioned I believe it’s time so that you can be fucked by a lady. She pushed her onerous dick in to my ass and said pumping out and in and reached round and pulled my dick and balls as she fucked me within the ass. It didn’t harm it felt nice. I believe we each got here once more at about the identical time as a result of I may really feel the nice and cozy moist cum run out off my ass as I got here once more. She acquired up and went within the toilet and washed up and got here in to placed on her garments. I referred to as her over and had her stand in entrance of me whereas I sucked her dick and rubbed her breast till she cam in my mouth once more. She referred to as a cab and went residence. I went to the shop to see her once more however she had stop the subsequent day and nobody knew the best way to get in contact along with her. I don’t wish to be with a man however I might like to be with “her” once more anytime.