One evening I had simply gotten again from an evening with my girlfriend. She didn’t put out, so I used to be caught with blue balls and a hard-on the scale of the Eiffel Tower. I made a decision it was time to begin the traditional Saturday evening routine of pulling out my favourite porn journal, Keri lotion for additional dry pores and skin, and start with porking. Effectively that wasn’t doing it for me. I began trying round for one thing I may really fuck. I used to be taking a look at bottles, one thing large enough to stay my cock in. I ended up with an empty bleach bottle that I mounted to a pillow to fuck. I crammed the bleach bottle with heat water and tons of tissue. About half means via my fucking I noticed I couldn’t absolutely pull my penis out. The highest of the bleach bottle surprisingly had a cock ring impact and I used to be caught. I figured that after some time I’d lose my erection and the bleach bottle would fall off, however a lot to my dismay I discovered that I didn’t absolutely clear the bleach from the bottle as a result of my cock began burning unhealthy! For an hour I sat there in ache. My mom got here dwelling to seek out her son hugging a pillow. She took me to the hospital and my penis was stained for 2 weeks.